Welcome to our Farm located in Homer, Georgia. I am Janice Tennent a wife, mom, grandma, gardener, flower farmer, and friend. Our property dates back to 1887 and is nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian in Northeast Georgia. We grow a little bit of Heaven right here in Homer.

We are a second year flower farmer selling retail bouquets from our convenient drive-thru roadside stand. We make it easy for you to shop. Follow us on Facebook for flower availability and hours. Follow us on Instagram to learn how to grow and market your flowers that bring more peace and joy to your soul, as well as others.

Our farm has always been known for its abundance of flowers and hospitality. Hospitality has morphed over the years as we have developed our gardens and hosted special events on the property. We are dreaming, planning, preparing, and planting for an abundant harvest of specialty cut flowers. Events are planned and available upon request. Tours are worked into our events.

We are elated to offer fresh farm bouquets during flower season just for you and your friends.

We believe our home should be a safe haven with peace, joy, and beauty. We believe we should win at home more than anywhere else in the world. Let us help you make your home a little piece of Heaven on earth for your family and friends.

Every flower in all the gardens at Foxglove Farm is grown with joy as we dream of sharing the beauty of God’s creation...

Where there is grace

love stands tall